Bottom up control
Bottom up control

USDA, National Wildlife Research Center – Staff Publications. Provenza Chemical defense and mammalian herbivores. Keever, Distribution of major forest species in Southeastern Pennsylvania.

bottom up control

Fath, Examination of ecological networks. Jordan, Trypanosomaisis Control and African Rural Development (Longman, London/New York, 1986) Castro-Izaguirre, et al., Impacts of species richness on productivity in a large-scale subtropical forest experiment. Ewel, et al., Effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning: A consensus of current knowledge.

bottom up control

Goulden, (Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1977), pp. Harper, The contributions of terrestrial plant studies to the development of the theory of ecology, in The Changing Scenes in the Natural Sciences 1776–1976, Special Publication 12, ed. McCann, Consistent role of weak and strong interactions in high- and low-diversity trophic food webs. Gatti, A conceptual model of new hypothesis on the evolution of biodiversity. Slatkin, Coevolution (Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, 1983) von Oheimb, Neighborhood diversity mitigates drought impacts on tree growth. Kirkpatrick, Hard mast production before and after the chestnut blight. Isaac, Butterfly abundance is determined by food availability and is mediated by species traits. Lugo, Above-and belowground organic matter storage and production in a tropical pine plantation and a paired broadleaf secondary forest.

bottom up control

Gradwell, (Wageningen Netherlands Center for Agricultural Publications, Wageningen, 1970), pp. Connell, On the role of natural enemies in preventing competitive exclusion in some marine animals and in rain forest trees, in Dynamics of Populations, ed. Bolan, A critical review on the role of mycorrhizal fungi in the uptake of phosphorus by plants. Berryman, The origins and evolution of predator-prey theory. Associated Press, Asian privet, other plants are invading more Georgia ground.

Bottom up control